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fairy magic

Filed under firsts, gretchen, whimsy

the tooth fairy came indeed! gretchen was giddy when she woke up. the fairy had traded her tooth for a note and a bundle of coins. she continued to search the house for fairy clues, suspecting that just maybe the tooth fairy was still hiding somewhere. gretchen was convinced that the tiny goose feather she found from our couch pillow was in fact a feather from the fairy’s wing! one never knows!!! i love the innocence and total trust and belief in magic.

my wobbly tooth fell out

Filed under firsts, gretchen, growing

gretchen lost her first tooth today! i canNOT believe it. i remember clearly when those teeth first grew. that was a huge milestone…baby’s first teeth!? and now the day is already here when the first of those tiny baby teeth has fallen out. my babe is seriously growing up. (and mamma is having a rough time coping for sure!)

she has been SO excited ever since we discovered that the tooth was loose. today after lunch, the tooth was literally popping up. it only took a little bit of very gentle wiggling for it to come out. and gretchen CRIED!! not because it hurt. it was painless (and SO ready to come out). she was just genuinely sad about the loss of her tooth. and honestly, i am sad too. it is the very beginning of my babe becoming a little girl. it’s crazy to me. i wish i could bottle her up and keep her this small forever. (i know that sounds incredibly cliche and cheesy. but i am absolutely serious.) it’s amazing how she is growing and maturing right before my eyes.

we carefully washed the tooth. then we wrapped it in pink tissue with a teeny ribbon. it’s the perfect teeny tiny gift for the TOOTH FAIRY!!!! i purchased this awesome knit tooth pillow when gretchen was just a few months old. ( i was afraid it would not be available if i waited until she actually lost a tooth! and for the record, i got a second one when stella was born..haha.) the tooth was carefully placed into the pocket on the pillow and gretchen is sleeping soundly CUDDLING the pillow awaiting the fairy. xx

wobbly tooth

Filed under Uncategorized

S + S

Filed under love, pool, stella

stella and samson…summer love reunited.






Filed under firsts, gretchen, learning, pool

this year in swim class, gretchen has learned to back float, overhand stroke, dive to the bottom, handstand and tread water. the biggest and most exciting achievement is jumping off the diving board into 8 feet of water and swimming all the way to the ladder all by herself. AMAZING!!


Filed under fashion, pool, stella

birthday love

Filed under birthdays, love, mamma

red pixie

Filed under firsts, gretchen, learning, vintage

we scored the most amazing vintage bike on e.bay!! a red hot 1970’s Schwinn Pixie.
it’s in remarkable condition, fully loaded with a banana seat, chrome wheel covers and kick stand. gretchen LOVES it. we are now in the market for a bell and basket.

the bike i’m riding is the one i learned on when i was seven. it was my sister’s 1967 CCM.
still in great shape (minus it’s original banana seat).

peeking at a baby bunny in the field


Filed under gretchen, love, vintage

little black dress

Filed under fashion, gretchen, sewing

a staple of every gal’s wardrobe. this is the same pattern as the liberty dress i made, in a dark charcoal linen with a black satin ribbon tie.